
Natural Disasters, Life Challenges and the Abuser

The inconveniences, money lacking, angry about outages, and more, an abusive man or woman is fuming on the inside about a threatening storm or one that has already passed.  People around him or her are watching him or her gradually lose it.  Knowing that the abuser needs assistance, he or she might be on his or her best behavior in front of others for a time before exploding one day on one's partner, children and/or pets. 

Controlling, selfish, jealous, temperamental, and raging abusers are difficult to ride a storm out with when all their comforts are pretty much gone.  Some become so bad that law enforcement has to step in which is actually a good thing because what victims dealt with behind closed doors is now in the open for all to see. This is a good time to move on with one's life in a relationship like this without the user and abuser.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

American Red Cross

Freddie Mac

Disaster Resources

Tax Relief

Those of you who are in emotionally and/or physically abusive relationships find yourself working overtime to calm your partners down, but sometimes all your appeasing does nothing more than aggravate the already irritated abusive one.  The best thing you can do is do your part to assist yourself and others in your family. 

Sometimes natural disasters and other life challenges are a blessing in disguise because people who you wouldn't ordinarily reach out to help you, you will during a tough time.  Something within a victim grows weary of carrying the emotional weight of an abusive partner and it is in that moment that one throws his or her hands up and walks away from all the drama or kicks the abuser out!  Too many battles will drive any one mad and when you are the one who is trying super hard to keep it together while the other is falling apart, you have to choose your battles.  

If you believe in a mighty God, then you know by now that storms show up not only to bring on destruction, but to awaken men and women up to the terrible reality they are living in beckoning them to do something about it.  Are you awake?

Nicholl McGuire, owner and contributor of this blog.
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God didn't put you with an abusive mate. Your flesh did.