On Re-Learning to Love Yourself
One of the biggest mistakes we make when getting involved with troubled people personally and/or professionally is that we choose to overlook the warning signs that tell us, "Something isn't right...This person is acting strangely, crazy...I should keep my distance." Some people will ignore the warning signs for reasons like, "Well, he doesn't look crazy...maybe it's me. I guess she isn't so bad, she reminds me of..." and go ahead anyway with what appears to be a healthy connection until it turns into a mountain of dysfunction. With every insult, anger outburst, and other negative emotions, one feeling within that starts to stand out more than others with some people is that of self-defeat. The desire to win a great friendship, an argument, love, affection, a compliment, a gift, a ring, or anything else is no more. Too tired, overwhelmed and bitter to keep trying, some so-called good men and women stray. Before long, one is acce...