
Showing posts from December, 2015

Black Widow Boyfriends, Spouses - Dating Violence, Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse occurs often in relationships and many men and women have remained in difficult situations not knowing they are being abused.

Bills, Cheating, and Lies - Why is the Abusive Boyfriend, Husband So Angry?

You changed since the constant bills, cheating, lies and more while being in a relationship with someone who is emotionally and/or physically abusive.  Further, you saw the truth a long time ago that the man you are dating or married to is one of five things: a womanizer, a manipulator, a cold-hearted hustler, a serial liar, or a violent man.  Rather than save money, time, and orchestrate a plan to correct your error, you are putting icing on it like a cake.  "I'll pray about it...I will talk to him...I will buy him...I will tell him we need counseling..."  Notice "I will" it's your will from start to finish, but what about God's--the holy one you claim you obey and trust?  Troubled women try to fix broken men all the time!  These ladies come from varied backgrounds (rich, poor, sane, insane) where they lived wild (and some still do).  These women were abused in previous relationships and have childhoods that have left them permanently scarred emo...

Verbal Abuse - Emotionally Abusive Men, Women - New Year Drama

Here are many signs one must watch out for when involved or married to someone who is mean, sometimes nice, mean, sometimes nice and so on to you and others.  If the pattern of verbal and/or physical abuse is allowed to continue, you best believe you have yourself a manipulative, emotionally abusive partner.  Most women and men settle because they are already caught in their abusers' webs.  They are often defensive, unhappy, jealous of others, and mean-spirited just like the abusive men and women they have partnered with. 1.  Spouse or lover rarely if ever comforts you--isn't that interested in your "issues." 2.  Doesn't apologize when at fault. 3.  You don't feel beautiful around him or her.  Compliments are rationed out, insults (or jokes) are given, or nothing is said at all. 4.  You are used like a puppet on strings to finance trips, pay household bills, clean home, perform errands, cook, babysit, assist with...

Sex, Family Gatherings and Gifts - A Temporary Relief from the Pain

As one goes about his or her day being treated nicely by one's abusive partner (yet again), keep in mind the behavior is temporal.  The niceties during the honeymoon phase don't mean that a dysfunctional relationship is any better than it was when a partner screamed a week, month or sin months ago, "I want out of this relationship!  I hate you!  I really wish you would leave me alone!"  The monster within is just sitting quietly for now because nothing is occurring to set him or her off.  However, give it some time and irritations will be projected on someone else if not you. Sex is the great motivator to be on one's best behavior, but it doesn't secure relationships.  A cheating man can have sex with his troubled wife in the morning, flirt with a few ladies while walking by, meet up with his hot girlfriend by afternoon, watch porn during a break at work, then tease his wife again before midnight for more sex, roll over...

Economy, Post-Holiday Stress May Be Fueling Abuse


Pretend to Be Happy All You Want - Someone Knows Your Truth

Persuading yourself to believe your own lies at home, work and elsewhere?  You know you are unhappy, but your secret is safe with me.  Listen to this audio message.  May God bless! Persuading Yourself to Believe Your Own Lies

A Word from the Blog Owner - Freedom

I just wanted to take this moment to thank the contributors of this blog and all those who have shared their entries.  I am so glad that so many involved in good, bad and otherwise relationships have found it useful.  I look forward to a breakthrough year for many of you!  Freedom is just around the corner, embrace it!  You have prayed, fasted, cried, and complained and when the escape plan is looking you in your face, follow it! Far too many men and women in relationships who realize they have made serious errors partnering with angry individuals who are incompatible try so hard to cover up their mistakes by spending more money for fancy gifts and vacations, lying to relatives and friends about their unhappy home, while attempting to make someone happy who just isn't content in the relationship.  Take your eyes off the appearance/wish/hope for happiness and seek after true contentment--you owe it to yourself and those who are ...

Watch What You Say to Others About the Man, Woman You Once Loved But Still Involved

The holidays might bring out the worst or best in you.  Isn't it a bit unnerving not knowing which personality is going to show up around a partner's family or your own?  You know you don't care, like or love your partner anymore, but now is not the time to ruin others' cheerful moods to announce something you have known all year or mere days ago. People who are in verbally or physically abusive relationships worry about a lot.  It can be difficult to quiet the voices in your head that make a mountain out of a mole hill about people, places and things, due to all the walking on eggshells with a controlling partner.  Whether your time has been weeks that feel like a decade or for many years with someone, you know how it can be when you are under pressure because of this person. So watching what you say to relatives, friends and his or her side of the family can be a burden, but it is something that victims must do if they don't want to experie...

The Argument: "At Least My Exes...My Family...My Job..."

The words are flying out of an angry lover or spouse's mouth as if boasting about failed relationships, dysfunctional relatives, and unsatisfying jobs is going to somehow make the individual look better or hurt the one who's listening.  Miserable partners do cast blame and twist failure around into what appears like success while wielding it as if it is a weapon.  This is usually done when the player, pimp or hustler type is caught in yet another lie, twisted truth, weird way of behaving, or downright abusive act. The user and/or abuser has got to corner you during battle launching a verbal attack.  He or she will accuse you of being wrong when you are sincerely right this time, the last and maybe the time before that.  Too much truth, wisdom, exposing, etc. and the angry man or woman viciously responds with, "You think you are better...You always want to be right!  You don...

Negative Partner and Others - Difficult Personalities

Part 1 - Message based on Difficult Personalities: A Practical Guide to Managing the Hurtful Behavior of Others (and Maybe Your Own) Part 2 of 2 - The Passive Aggressive Personality/ "I'm Always Right!" - based on Difficult Personalities... book Spiritual related audios can be found YouTube channel: nmenterprise7 .

Representing Yourself in Court | DomesticShelters

Representing Yourself in Court | DomesticShelters

Addictions Contribute to Relationship Problems

by TheVisualCommunicationGuy .

Intimate Partner Violence Facts - The War at Home - How to Spot Domestic Abuse

by NowSourcing . From Visually .

How to Save a Marriage After An Affair - Shutting Down The Visions


Don't Tell a Partner Your Game Plan or Make Verbal Threats or Act Threatening

You know why a lot of families are grieving this day?  It is because during the heat of an argument their beloved, yet deceased, sons and daughters yelled out their intentions (what they planned to do like leave them) to their abusers, and even acted boldly in attempting to defend themselves.  Victims buried six feet deep prematurely because they just couldn't keep their mouths shut! You don't tell a violent man or woman your plans, ever!  You might think he or she wouldn't think twice about hitting you, ruining your credit, hurting your children , or doing any other crazy act, but think again!  Just because you have been with someone well-over a decade doesn't mean that he or she wouldn't take what they have learned from you and flip the script! The Bible warns to love our enemies for good reason.  Even if you can't love an enemy at least act like it until you are as far away from him or her as possible.  Treat the person kindly, but not so well ...

The Nagging, Nervous Feeling Grows When in a Relationship with an Angry Partner

Frequently angry men and women who claim to love their partners really don't.  They are so emotionally involved with all that upsets them to sincerely care much about how their mates truly feel concerning the relationship, children and more. Abusive people are only happy when they feel in control and can exercise their demands on others.  Keep idolizing them while making these mean-spirited people feel like you can't live without them and you just might not be punished by them at least for awhile.  However, cross them, rebel, or do something you desire to do and before long you are walking on thin ice with them.  The violent type will sooner or later attack as some of you already know.  Now if you have yet to experience that suffocating, walking on egg shells, stomach-churning, and nervous feeling that angry men and women bring out of their victims then give it some time, stick it out with them long enough a...

Spiritual Schizophrenia - Good and Evil at War - Pigs in the Parlor


A Counterfeit Heart - The Callous Man Who Lusts and Then Leaves Them

Every woman thinks she can be his number one, but the narcissist's knows better.  He doesn't love women, he uses them to obtain benefits.  There are no women in his life he deems game changers that can turn the handsome play boy into a devoted and loving husband.  As this blogger learned, the only thing you will get from a sociopath is another broken heart.  Read this story.

January Many Couples will Announce Breakup, Divorce

The last holiday season of the year will bring out the best in anyone especially if he or she knows that right around the bend is a long awaited breakup.  Now before you start thinking about whether your partner plans on leaving, just know ending a relationship takes time so it doesn't mean that January (or any month) next year applies to you or him/her.  Besides, one's mate might not be the one thinking about leaving, but you are.  So fed up with the relationship roller coaster ride and so done with lies, cheating, abuse, etc., January just might be the right time for you to plan your exit.  However, keep in mind a jilted lover doesn't go away so easily and neither does a violent one, so be sure you have the necessary support system in place from domestic violence counselors to police officers standing by. Nicholl McGuire is the author of She's Crazy and Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men.

Feeling Loved and Accepted - Suicidal Thoughts


Book for Battered Men in Relationships with Crazy Women

Not every woman is a victim and not every man is abusive toward his woman.  For the man who is looking to get out of a verbally and physically abusive relationship, She's Crazy by Nicholl McGuire was written for you.  If you are not in an abusive relationship, pass this book on to someone you might know in a relationship with a crazy woman.  Get your copy today!

On Defending Dysfunctional Family Members and Friends


The Child Isn't at Fault - Choosing a Partner Over Children

A daughter has seen it all mommy in tears while a son watches his dad with fears after connecting with partners that are unfit for an intimate relationship much less a step-child.  Quick to jump into relationships, dating couples who later marry end up right back to where they started from--bitter, angry, confused, and used again.  How did one return to a mess he or she calls a relationship?  Children are not stupid, they know when parents screw up and they also know when they are better off spending much needed time alone possibly permanently. Let's face it, after going through much in life, not everyone is equipped emotionally and physically to have a serious relationship with someone whether they met these individuals on or offline.  Until emotional and/or physical healing takes place from past problems and a determined and disciplined mindset to want to change, it will always be more of the same. ...