
Showing posts from October, 2015

Halloween Hate - Did You Feel Much Trial During the Month of October?

When many people raise hell for more money, power, fame, curses on enemies, etc. the negative energy comes by like a wind, causing much trouble in relationships and elsewhere.  Take a moment of silence for those who were sacrificed in October due to occult holiday celebrations.  Now take the time to think about yourself, how much sacrificing have you done already with time, money, and more just to make an emotionally and/or physically abusive partner happy? Running around like a chicken with its head cut off, a woman or man who just wants to live a dream in an unhappy relationship will keep pressing forward anyway all the while creating more debt, responsibility (like pregnancy), making more investments, and carrying the whole family down a dark, destructive path.   Too stubborn, prideful, and angry within to admit, "I was wrong.  This partner wasn't what I had in mind.  I apologize Lord for not listening..." The poor woman or man keeps making more work for ...

What Causes a Woman to Become Controlling?


Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying - Something to Think About - Life is Too Short


The Motivation to Rise Above Every Trial

You know you have to think beyond the scope of your situation.  You can't allow a negative man or woman to get the best of you.  If you were to stoop down to his or her level, you just might be the one abusing him or her or worse sending that individual to a place that he or she might never awake.  So you rise above fleshly desires.  You allow your spiritual self to take over and you ponder on your next move.  A short or long walk outdoors brings relief and safety, good music playing in earphones provides inner peace, silence and prayer heals, and a quality conversation with a kind friend helps ease the nerves. If you are spiritual, you probably have God in the plan these days when it comes to dealing with an abusive mate.  You are praying, possibly fasting, and waiting on God to give you a sign, a blessing, or hoping for your abuser to leave.  I want you to know that He will move in His time.  He will see you through, but freedom doesn't come...

Abuse in Relationships: Would you Stop Yourself?


Intoxicating Feelings - Lust, Romantic Love - Dating and Relationships - Video Dailymotion

Intoxicating Feelings - Lust, Romantic Love - Dating and Relationships - Video Dailymotion

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate Blogger Nicholl McGuire

Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate is a blog that is maintained by Nicholl McGuire of Nicholl McGuire Media.  For years, this wife, mother and survivor has shared personal insight, stories, and media with readers curious about topics related to abuse or who are in toxic relationships.  If you are interested in partnering with this professional blogger, feel free to contact her at   Ad rates are affordable.  Nicholl appears at related events in Los Angeles County and is available to speak for a fee about domestic and dating violence and other related topics. Some relationship and family books and blogs by Nicholl include: Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men Say Goodbye to Dad When Mothers Cry Laboring to Love Myself NOTE:  The writings may be found on her blog: or you can find all l...

In Love, Like? Don't Be Deceived Again

Sometimes women have a short memory when it comes to dating or marrying their charming partners.  Before long, they recognize similar mannerisms, conversations, and behaviors like that of the controlling men they have been influenced by growing up or dating in the past.  "Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men" is for women who may need a reminder to keep watch for signs in current partners that they overlooked in their past bad relationships before they get too emotionally and physically involved with yet another manipulator. Book available with free sample here.

Codependency Recovery Stages. The Journey toward Healing and Self Love....


Life Altering Mistakes - You Did It, Now What? - Guilt, Shame, Misery


Irritable Male Syndrome - Angry, Moody, Blaming - CBS News


Irritable Male Syndrome Medical Course - The Doctors TV Show


Psychopathy: When The Mask Begins to Slip featuring Sandra L. Brown - He's Not What You Think


Resources: Abusive Relationships | Brain Food Daily | TakePart TV

Five Ways to Stand Up for Victims of Abuse: Verizon Hopeline: Men Can Stop Rape: Web of Benefit:

An Excerpt from Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men by Nicholl McGuire - Video Dailymotion

He doesn't wear marriage and children. An Excerpt from Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men by Nicholl McGuire - Video Dailymotion

Domestic Violence Awareness: Economic Abuse


On Identifying a Quality Domestic Violence Resource - Featured site

Continuing with informative resources and groups about dating and domestic violence, Nicholl shares tips on selecting a quality group based on website and other details.  She references Shepherd's Door Domestic Violence Resource Center  in this audio.  This organization provides social services throughout Pasadena, Altadena, and the San Gabriel Valley.  Learn more by visiting website while Nicholl mentions it in this audio, click here.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Featured site

Are you in an abusive relationship, just got out of one or was in one awhile ago?  Having been through or still going through a tough time doesn't mean you can't warn others about dating or domestic violence.  Kicking off the domestic violence awareness month, Nicholl shares abuse statistics listed on  which were gathered from a variety of sources mentioned in audio and available on the site. In this message, the survivor adds thoughtful commentary generating deep thought about relationship abuse.  Listen and ponder on the following information.  Enlighten a few.  Feel free to follow along by clicking on  and this audio,  Why Does it Matter? Violent Relationship Stats .  

The Sacrifices One Makes to be with Abusive Mate Who's a Different Ethnicity, Culture, Religion, Same Sex

One common denominator that all who have given up family tradition, religious beliefs, and more for their abusers is that they love their partners too much. "I went against my dad's wishes for you...After all I did for you...I moved out of my country...My family shunned me because I wanted to be with you." You or someone you know sacrificed a lot just to be with a partner who emotionally, sexually and/or physically abuses you or a friend.  But why stay?  Many victims have their reasons.  Sometimes there is no one and nothing else to turn to due to far too many sacrifices made.  Think about how much you have done so far for your partner.  The abuser ultimately got his or her way, he or she might have wanted his or her partner isolated so that this person could have complete control of the relationship.  Everyone and everything that meant something to the victim was put on hold, distant, or cut off....

On Re-Learning to Love Yourself

One of the biggest mistakes we make when getting involved with troubled people personally and/or professionally is that we choose to overlook the warning signs that tell us, "Something isn't right...This person is acting strangely, crazy...I should keep my distance."  Some people will ignore the warning signs for reasons like, "Well, he doesn't look crazy...maybe it's me.  I guess she isn't so bad, she reminds me of..." and go ahead anyway with what appears to be a healthy connection until it turns into a mountain of dysfunction.  With every insult, anger outburst, and other negative emotions, one feeling within that starts to stand out more than others with some people is that of self-defeat.  The desire to win a great friendship, an argument, love, affection, a compliment, a gift, a ring, or anything else is no more.  Too tired, overwhelmed and bitter to keep trying, some so-called good men and women stray.  Before long, one is acce...