
Everything Costs, Nothing is for Free!

Whether you give your time, street or email address, you are giving something away usually to get something. I am asking you to support my book, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate. In abusive relationships, women and men are giving something away too -- their lives! Some are doing it fully aware of the consequences and others are too blind to see what is happening before them. Since my last posting to this site a young woman who was suppose to get my book died. She was hit by a car trying to run away from her abuser and died. Would my book have touched her heart? I don't know, but if my book can touch someone you know who is in a similar situation then why not get it for them before it's too late?

I was a victim of dating/domestic violence in 1996 and then I became a survivor the following year! However, the years following would require spiritual counseling, prayer, and family. Some of you reading this are already aware of my book, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate. Others are not. This book not only tells my story in poetry form, but it challenges you to think about your current relationship. In the coming months, my new book will be out entitled, "Laboring to Love Myself." This book is not only about the ups and downs of loving oneself, but it too, causes you to look inward and reflect on whether you are in fact satisfied with who you are and if not, how is your disatisfaction with self contributing to your daily struggle with relating to family, friends, co-workers, and achieving your goals?

Those of you who know me, know that I am a deep thinker and I don't waste time writing or pondering over foolishness. If you want to be a part of spreading a postive word to people in need of help, get behind books that are about assisting people. Locate my book link on this site and buy it. If you want to be a part of the next project "Laboring to Love Myself" and you too have a story to tell then send me an email if you are in my Facebook network or leave a comment on this site and I will get back to you. God bless!

Nicholl McGuire

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God didn't put you with an abusive mate. Your flesh did.