Trapped in Thoughts - Abusers, Victims Idolize One Another
They don't think that they do, but they do. People will idolize one another as well as things. They love, worship, kill, steal, destroy, and more for partners. Witnesses stand by and see the destruction. They call them out on their foolishness. But idol worshippers keep right on doing what they do. The presence of idol worship is in an abusive relationship . Simply put, the abuser and victim put one another on a pedestal. They think much about one another--too much! Thoughts stream into their minds frequently about everything from what the other is doing to how he or she feels about him/her. The thoughts play out like a roller coaster ride, a merry go round or a swing. It is all fun, positive, sweet or nice until someone gets hurt again and again. "I miss you...I can't get enough of you. When will we see each other again? I want you forever..." Sounds so wonderful, doesn't it? At least in the begi...