When a Negative Partner Thinks the Worst of You - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
They expect that you will behave like them. They assume that you have a hidden agenda. They believe that what you think, feel, or are going through is not as important or relevant as what they are experiencing. A negative partner might wish you well in person, behind your back they hope you fail. You might have demonstrated your love for family, bought gifts, kept the home clean and organized, did what a partner asked concerning his or her side of the family and more, but it is never good enough. Old offenses come up during disputes. What you thought was squashed, over with, and irrelevant is now drama for today. You attempt to bring peace to the situation and move on. You might do some extra special things to appease the negative man or woman in your life, but no good deed goes unpunished. "I didn't ask for that. You didn't have to buy this. I could have got that myself. Why did you cook that, I wanted this? I don't...