
Showing posts with the label financial abuse

Those who Protect the Finances of their Abusers, Users


Financial Abuse - Controlling, Abusive Spouse, Partner


Financial Abuse = Domestic Violence


Why Financial Control is a Major Lever in Abusive Relationships


He Who Holds the Purse Strings Holds the Power

When abused women of decades past advised their married daughters to have separate bank accounts, they didn't advise this because they wanted to ruin marriages; rather they knew the kind of men their daughters were involved with and the chances their relationships might be good in the long-term was highly unlikely.  Men with much or little money that don't allow wives any access, not even a peak at their bank statements, do indeed hold the power.  Their worries over what their wives might do with their finances is irrelevant here.  To stay on point, this blog entry relates to husbands with money controlling wives who don't have any unless they choose to give them some. Some of these controlling husbands, boyfriends, or lovers don't want their women to work.  They will either sweet-talk the women into avoiding employment, change employment or quit a job especially if there are too many of the opposite sex, pout about their wives' choice, give their women the silen...

Women Taking Care of Men: You Can't Buy Love
