
Showing posts from February, 2017

5 Signs of a Manipulative Relationship: Dr. Julie Hanks on KSL TV's Stud...


On Regrets - Forgiving Yourself, Moving on with God


Accountability vs Denial


1 of 2 Unchecked Health Issues Affecting Your Life


Do You Really Want to Know the Truth About Something


Valentine's Day Troubles - relationship problems, dating


Sexual Abuse - It's NOT Your Fault


He Said But God Say - Encouragement for Emotionally, Physically Abused Women

He said, "Stupid."  God says, "Fearfully and wonderfully made."   He said, "I hate you!"  God says, "I love you."   He said, "Crazy!"  God says, "I have given you purpose and a plan for your life.  You are blessed!"   He said, "You don't have...will never have."  God says, "You are prosperous and highly favored."   He said, "You won't."  God says, "I will."   Know who you are in Christ and what "he said" will never matter!  Check out YouTube Channel

Feeling Lonely In or Out of a Relationship

Melanie Fiona - It Kills Me


Leaving A Narcissist---Minimizing The Pain


She didn't realize she was living in an abusive relationship - married to Christian minister


6 Signs Your Abuser Wants You Dead - Domestic Violence Leave

You don't need anyone telling you how dangerous it is to stay with a violent man or woman.  When domestic violence occurs in a relationship, you leave.  However, it is easier said then done with some people.  They are hell-bent on staying because they think of the abusive person's impact on their lives.  From money invested in property to time spent on children, the victim starts reminiscing and unfortunately fails at successfully creating his or her safety plan .  One of the motivations for some leaving were those signs that clearly show an angry man or woman has simply grown weary of the victim and worse wants the person dead! A serious wake up call to anyone in an abusive relationship is when they suspect that someone can't wait until your life comes to an end.  Rather they say and do things to stress you out enough so that you will want nothing more than to escape your miserable existence or worse push you into your death by physically harming you...